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Control Their Time on Devices

Prioritising quality time over screen time for children

In today's digital age, screens have become an integral part of daily life for both adults and children alike. While technology offers numerous benefits and conveniences, excessive screen time can have detrimental effects, particularly when it interferes with children's learning and development. Here's why parents should prioritise ensuring that the time spent on devices doesn't hinder their kid's educational pursuits...


Impact on Attention Span and Focus

Excessive screen time has been linked to shorter attention spans and difficulty maintaining focus, especially in children. When parents spend excessive time on their devices in the presence of their kids, it sets a precedent that can lead to distractions during study time or other learning activities. Children need uninterrupted periods of focus to absorb information effectively and engage in meaningful learning experiences.


Modeling Healthy Habits

Parents serve as powerful role models for their children's behaviour, including their technology use. When parents prioritise screen time over quality interactions or educational activities, children may copy this behaviour and prioritise screens over other more enriching pursuits. By demonstrating a healthy balance between screen time and offline activities, parents can instil positive habits in their children and promote a helpful learning environment.


Encouraging Active Engagement

Active engagement is essential for effective learning. While screens can provide access to educational content and resources, passive consumption of content does not facilitate deep understanding or critical thinking. Parents should encourage their children to actively engage with educational material by asking questions, participating in discussions, and applying what they've learned in real-world contexts. Excessive screen time can detract from opportunities for active learning and exploration.


Promoting Social Interaction and Communication Skills

Face-to-face interactions are crucial for developing social and communication skills. When parents spend excessive time on their devices, it can detract from opportunities for meaningful conversations and bonding with their children. Quality time spent together, free from distractions, allows for open communication, emotional connection, and the development of interpersonal skills that are essential for success both in and out of the classroom.


Creating a Positive Learning Environment

A conducive learning environment is essential for fostering curiosity, creativity, and academic success. Excessive screen time can disrupt this environment by introducing distractions and diminishing the quality of interactions between parents and children. Parents should prioritise creating a positive learning environment that is free from unnecessary screen distractions, allowing children to focus on their studies and maximise their learning potential.


Protecting Mental Well-Being

Excessive screen time has been associated with negative effects on mental health, including increased stress, anxiety, and feelings of isolation. Parents should be mindful of the impact of screen time on their children's well-being and prioritise activities that promote mental and emotional health, such as outdoor play, exercise, and spending quality time together as a family.


In conclusion, while screens have become an integral part of modern life, parents must prioritise ensuring that the time spent on devices doesn't interfere with their children's learning and development. By modelling healthy screen habits, promoting active engagement with educational material, and creating a positive learning environment, parents can support their children's academic success and overall well-being. Let's strive to strike a balance between screen time and quality time, ensuring that our children have the opportunity to thrive both online and offline.

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