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Netherby PRIDE (PB4L)

The Social Behaviour Matrix

The matrix is a list of expected behaviours that are related to the Netherby PRIDE values.  The staff developed the matrix so that they could identify areas that needed improving in regards to children’s behaviour.  It is broken into different areas in the school grounds so it is easier for the children to learn what they are expected to do and how they are expected to behave.


Under each area there are expectations for each PRIDE value.  Many of these areas have been developed into explicit lesson plans which are incorporated into the Termly Coverage plan.  The expectation is that teachers timetable teaching these focus lessons during the fortnight so that the children understand the behaviour expected of them. The lessons happen in every classroom so that the school can achieve greater consistency.

The children are given opportunities to practise so that they don’t forget what is expected of them. Sometimes they practise as a class, syndicate or a whole school depending on who is doing it correctly or incorrectly.  When students are seen showing Netherby PRIDE and the expected behaviours in the different areas they can be rewarded for their positive behaviour at any time.  

In addition, the PRIDE value and lesson for the fortnight becomes the focus of the Monday afternoon PRIDE assembly for the class presenting. 

Walk into the hall quietly and sit down in line, leaving space for others.
Sit up straight with legs crossed and arms to yourself.
Stand proudly for songs and accept praise with pride.
Stay focused on the presenter and be an active listener.
Clap respectfully for the achievement of others.
Being a Leader
Look after others and encourage them to do the right thing.
Be organised.
Lead by example.
Notice what needs doing and do it.
Know how to speak in front of others and thank visitors.
Breakout Spaces
Respect those classes working around you.
Tidy your space after using it.
Treat your TA with respect.
Keep your noise level appropriate.
Be an independent learner.
Give new things a go and don’t make excuses.
Look after class equipment.
Treat others fairly and with respect.
Work hard and enjoy your learning.
Complete your work to a high standard.
Make sure bags are always kept closed.
Take all of your belongings home at the end of the day.
Don’t touch other people’s things without permission.
Move around the space carefully and quietly.
Keep the cloakroom tidy and neat.
Use equipment in the right way.
Leave things organised for the next person.
Return things on time.
Know what to do if there is a problem.
Help others do the right thing.
Playing Games and Sports
Play by the agreed rules.
Look after equipment.
Be fair and honest.
Work as a team and include others.
Be a good winner or loser.
Kai for Kids/Lunch Eating
Try new food and treat the food respectfully.
Clean up after yourself and stack the tubs neatly.
Sit down in a line when eating.
Drink at the start or end of lunch eating time.
Use good manners when eating.
Read a variety of books.
Look after your books and return them on time.
Tell an adult if your book is damaged.
Use quiet voices in the library.
Keep our library tidy.
Lining Up
Ignore people not doing the right thing.
Be on time and don’t keep others waiting.
Keep your hands and feet to yourself.
Sit down in a straight line with your lunch box on your lap.
Wait quietly for your teacher.
Stay focused on the task.
Be on time.
Listen actively to the opinions of others.
Prepare for meetings.
Contribute actively to meetings.
Morning bell
Read your board and go to Breakfast Club on time.
Find a quiet activity to do if you want to stay inside.
Greet your teacher and make eye contact when they let you in the classroom.
Put your bag away, put your lunchbox out, do your chair and get your equipment ready for the start of the school day.
Be on the mat ready for your teacher when the bell rings.
Morning Tea
Have a drink and go to the toilet at the right time.
Put your rubbish back in your lunchbox.
Sit down when eating.
Put your lunchbox on the bench when the duty teacher lets you go.
Use positive language.
Moving around the school in lines
Keep up with the person in front of you.
Keep in a single line.
Walk quietly and respect the space of others around you.
Keep your hands behind your back.
Lift our heads to show our PRIDE as we move throughout the school.
Wait patiently to be spoken to.
Hold the door open for others.
Greet Mrs Duffell or any staff member and say please and thank you.
Walk sensibly in the office space.
Using an inside voice while in the office space.
Outside Classrooms
Clean up the rubbish and lost property outside your classroom.
Line your shoes up neatly.
Knock and wait before entering other classrooms.
Don’t disturb other classes when passing.
Read your class board at the beginning of the day.
PE Shed
Line up and wait your turn.
Return your equipment at the end of Big Play.
Tell a PE monitor if you have lost or broken something.
Use equipment for what it is intended for.
Use your manners to the PE Monitors.
Overcome challenge.
Respect the environment.
Be a great friend and look after new students.
Know where you are allowed to play and stay in bounds.
Be aware of what others need.
Representing Netherby
Overcome challenges and never give up.
Look after uniforms and equipment.
Be a positive and fair role model/winner/loser.
Use positive language and make eye contact.
Perform to the best of your ability.
Respect for each other
Be fair.
Stop, think and choose when there is a problem.
Be aware of personal space.
Use positive language and make eye contact with people.
Choose kindness.
School Trips
Be in the right place at the right time.
Be respectful of other places, people and equipment.
Use your manners when in public.
Take part in the learning.
Wear your uniform with PRIDE.
Scooters, Bikes & Skateboards
Look out for others.
Use the equipment the right way.
Only use your own or shared equipment.
Be in the right places.
Learn new skills.
Speak positively to and about others.
Clean up after yourself.
Be professional when talking about children.
Make sure you are back to class on time.
Be an engaged and professional colleague.
Swimming Pool
Try hard in your lessons.
Get changed quickly and quietly.
Keep all your belongings with you.
Respect the pool environment.
Use your manners with the pool staff.
Wait your turn at busy times.
Ask when taking a toilet break from the classroom.
Respect everyone’s privacy.
Keep the space clean for others.
Use the toilets at the right times.
Check lost property for missing clothing.
Bring your hats and jumpers back to the classroom from outside.
Wear the correct school colours in your uniform.
Wear the right shoes for school.
Keep your uniform clean, tidy and without rips.
Visiting other classrooms
Respect the rules of the classroom you are visiting.
Tidy up and take your equipment when leaving.
Knock, greet the adult and ask for permission before entering any classroom.
Use outside doors always, unless it is wet weather or an adult has told you otherwise.
Thank the adult in the classroom before leaving.
Visitors to Netherby
Listen respectfully to guest speakers.
Welcome visitors and ask if they would like help.
Offer to help tidy up or carry equipment.
Hold doors or gates open for visitors and let them go first.
Learn how to thank visitors to our school appropriately.
Wet Days
Keep doorways and walkways clear when you play or eat.
Tidy up at the bell or when a duty teacher or monitor asks you to.
Use only equipment you are allowed to use.
Stay in your classroom.
Listen to your wet day monitors.
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